Our Story

Hey friends, let me tell you how I got into juicing.
It’s a long story, but I’m going to give you the short version.
In 2010 my 6-month-old son was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin t-cell lymphoma, which is a form of cancer.
It was devastating. I cannot begin to tell you.
After going to Children’s hospital in LA(CHLA) and City of Hope and having both hospitals tell us that my son would need chemotherapy, we decided to go do some research of our own.
We began looking into alternative treatments in an effort to avoid chemotherapy. I wasn’t so sure about the whole alternative cure thing. I’ve always followed doctors’ orders. But I must give his mom the credit for insisting that we keep looking.
After visiting several clinics in Mexico, many phone calls with doctors and lots of research, we ended up at a natural treatment center in Santiago, Chile.
The idea at the center was that our immune system is strong enough to fight off any illness as long as we clean up our diet and boost our immune system.
How do we boost our immune system. By flooding it with vitamins and minerals in the form of juicing. Preferably with organic produce.
From day 1 at the center, my son was drinking 3 juices a day.
My son arrived there with 2 tumors and 31 days later they were gone.
We went home, and he continued drinking 3 juices a day, until he was 4. From that point on the goal was for him to have 1 juice every morning.
Sounds easy enough right, it wasn’t!!
You get busy working, and it becomes less a priority, and next thing you know it’s been a week or 2 and no juice.
I was always beating myself up about my inconsistency with juicing at home.
Fast-forward to 2021
I had grown tired of working at the same place for 21 years and was ready for a career change.
One night I was lying in bed when it hit me!!!!
I was going to quit my job and make sure my son always had juice!!!
I was going to start my own juice company.
Now there would never be a shortage of juice in my home!!!!
Problem solved!!!
That’s how The Organic Juice Dude came to be.